Wednesday, August 24, 2011


So, it turns out we're going to be moving asap... Since we've both started school, we figure it will be easier to work on the house when we can be there 24/7. Lately it's just been me and the kids at the house and since they don't have the things they're used to having all the time (mainly beds for napping and a wider variety of toys), it's difficult for me to get much done. Poor David will just pass out on the rug in the living room when he wants his nap! Ainzley will just scream. Lately I've been swaddling her and letting her nap in her bouncy chair which has been working well but is only a temporary fix. Anyway, we're getting the carpets cleaned on Monday so really, as soon as we can get all our stuff over there, we'll be living there permanently.

On a side note, I'm really enjoying fixing up the house. I'm learning how to do a lot of stuff and have always been hands on so it's great! K, gotta pack

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Throughout my late adolescense and adulthood, I have had many positions (professionally and volunteer basis) that have helped me develop skills necessary to serve as a liaison to the community on behalf of a professional organization. I have spent many years in various organizations which have helped me grow skills such as public speaking, note taking, and scheduling. I am proficient in organization and mediation – always keeping the mindset of finding middle ground and while meeting the needs of those involved. I excel in the area of community outreach and thrive in situations where I am given reign to be creative and managerial. I am committed to achieving the best outcome and feel I have many fantastic qualities to contribute to any organization.