Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Praise for the Webster Technique!

So, I saw my chiropractor yesterday for the Webster Technique. It's a chiropractic technique that helps loosen the ligaments and tendons around the pelvis and uterus to help make more room for the baby to turn. I also got a standard adjustment since I haven't had one in a long time. Anyway, I went in for a follow up appointment this morning and can you believe it - Ainzley flipped and is head down!! Granted, since she hasn't dropped and settled down into my pelvis yet, she can and probably will continue to move around but we know that she has the room to be able to do so. I have another appointment on Friday and my chiropractor wants to see me 3 times a week until she's born. I'm not sure I'll go quite THAT frequently, but I'll definitely keep going!

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Throughout my late adolescense and adulthood, I have had many positions (professionally and volunteer basis) that have helped me develop skills necessary to serve as a liaison to the community on behalf of a professional organization. I have spent many years in various organizations which have helped me grow skills such as public speaking, note taking, and scheduling. I am proficient in organization and mediation – always keeping the mindset of finding middle ground and while meeting the needs of those involved. I excel in the area of community outreach and thrive in situations where I am given reign to be creative and managerial. I am committed to achieving the best outcome and feel I have many fantastic qualities to contribute to any organization.