Wednesday, February 3, 2010


This place sucks... Tonight, I am in a dark place. I'm feeling so down!! I held back tears while putting David to bed because it meant that I would be by myself until Jason gets home from work. I feel like I'm always alone. Jason goes to school in the morning and works until 10pm. I have no job and no family close by. At church, I spend my time with 2 & 3 year olds. There is only 1 other person in Nursery with me who is older than my grandparents. I make Jason come to Nursery with me because sometimes I feel like I never see him. I can't get together with friends because some of them don't have kids and, therefore, want to do non kid friendly activities which I would totally be up for if it wouldn't require me to hire a sitter to participate. Sometimes it feels like my friends who do have kids don't want to get together with me. Jason and I do our best to get together with people - we've hosted 2 parties in the past 2 months. While we have definitely enjoyed the company, we don't feel that we should have to be the ones to organize it and host every time.

I am so lonely tonight


Caryn Allen said...

I totally understand! It's sooo hard. It was like that for us in Missouri, but since we've moved, we've found an abundance of people with kids, plus people who don't care if we have kids because they're everywhere and can't be avoided. I don't know what to tell you other than maybe start a play group in your ward with people who have kids. That brings socialization for you and for David!

Cas n John said...

Im so sorry Amy! I would love to hang out with you. I have just been busy these past couple weeks and John hasn't worked the last couple of days so I want to spend that time with him. I totally know what you mean by feeling ALONE. I feel that a lot unfortunatly. When do you get back from St. Louis? We can hang out on Monday and have our own little FHE night if you want or whatever. Just let me know.

Clinton Home Educators said...

I felt that way a lot when we lived in PA. It was just me and Becca when Ed was on call at the hospital. It sucked bad. And we were the only ones our age with a child our child's age. Nobody really to mesh with. It's a hard spot. We did find friends, but not where we were looking. One of our favorite couples was a retired couple! Completely shocked us. You're always welcome to come hang out at our place! Hang in there! Remember it's only temporary.

Clinton Home Educators said...

I felt that way a lot when we lived in PA. It was just me and Becca when Ed was on call at the hospital. It sucked bad. And we were the only ones our age with a child our child's age. Nobody really to mesh with. It's a hard spot. We did find friends, but not where we were looking. One of our favorite couples was a retired couple! Completely shocked us. You're always welcome to come hang out at our place! Hang in there! Remember it's only temporary.

Throughout my late adolescense and adulthood, I have had many positions (professionally and volunteer basis) that have helped me develop skills necessary to serve as a liaison to the community on behalf of a professional organization. I have spent many years in various organizations which have helped me grow skills such as public speaking, note taking, and scheduling. I am proficient in organization and mediation – always keeping the mindset of finding middle ground and while meeting the needs of those involved. I excel in the area of community outreach and thrive in situations where I am given reign to be creative and managerial. I am committed to achieving the best outcome and feel I have many fantastic qualities to contribute to any organization.