Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Hello dear readers,
I'm so sorry I've been absent for awhile - it's been a crazy few weeks! Firstly, we have decided to move. We're selling our house and moving back to St. Louis. We are so excited about it! Secondly, Jason has been working so hard on getting a new job. We found an incredible opportunity and he got an interview... and then a second interview... and has a third interview in just over a week! We have been driving all over the state lately and haven't had a weekend at home in forever. The third interview is where I get interviewed (imagine my joy about that! ;)) and where a job will be offered. I can't believe we're moving after only having lived in our house for a year, but buying this house has given us lots of learning opportunities and a good amount of equity so fingers crossed for a quick selling process!

That's all for now... I'll be sure to update when we know more :)

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Throughout my late adolescense and adulthood, I have had many positions (professionally and volunteer basis) that have helped me develop skills necessary to serve as a liaison to the community on behalf of a professional organization. I have spent many years in various organizations which have helped me grow skills such as public speaking, note taking, and scheduling. I am proficient in organization and mediation – always keeping the mindset of finding middle ground and while meeting the needs of those involved. I excel in the area of community outreach and thrive in situations where I am given reign to be creative and managerial. I am committed to achieving the best outcome and feel I have many fantastic qualities to contribute to any organization.